Medtechnique Consulting is often approached by companies who would like to gain physician reimbursement so that medical practitioners can be paid for the procedure or therapy that incorporates their technology in Australia.
For a physician to be paid under Australia’s universal health system, Medicare, an application must be made to the Medical Services Advisory Committee ( This is a complex and lengthy process and the bar to success is set very high. The Australian Government is committed to only subsidising procedures that are proven to be both clinically and cost effective.
It is our experience that companies may embark on this process prematurely and this can result in significant costs in both time and money. A premature application may also ultimately delay full market access
When considering an MSAC application it is worthwhile asking yourself the following questions:
- Do you have high quality published clinical evidence that demonstrates the clinical effectiveness of your technology?
- Do you have local ‘champions’? Ideally the professional body of the craft group that will use your technology
- Is your technology priced at a level that is likely to represent good value to the Australian government?
- Is your technology well established in another advanced economy? Technologies that are in the very early stages of adoption may find it more challenging to gain a positive recommendation.
- Does your organisation have the resources to pursue a lengthy process which can sometimes stretch to two years or more?
If you can answer ‘yes’ to all or most of these questions then you may be in a good position to proceed with a submission.
For queries about MSAC applications please see